News & Blog

From Trumpets Of Christ

January 03rd, 2022

Praise and Vision

As we enter 2022, we sense it is a new season for the ministry and for the global church in general. While the world faced a global pandemic, we saw the church of Jesus stand up and be a light in the darkness! Instead of seeing declining fruit of the Gospel, we saw an increase. We had greater attendance at church than ever before this year. We also saw regular and frequent salvations and baptisms, almost every month!

So before we share our vision for this upcoming year of 2022, we want to first thank God for all he accomplished through us and our ministry in 2021. Without Him, our labors would be in vain. But with Him, we can see more fruit for His Kingdom than ever before, even in the midst of a pandemic!

This year we planted our third location in northern Thailand, in a church plant in Chiang Mai city. We have an amazing team of leaders at Victory Thaton that pastor, minister, and evangelize as we expand our efforts into Chiang Mai. Through the generosity of supporters, we not only planted and renovated a large room for church in Chiang Mai, which continues to grow and develop! We ended the Christmas season with our first church event, a Christmas party, where over 70 people joined. What a blessing to see God’s hand upon this new venture!

Through the generous gifts of supporters, we also financed local staff in Thaton to continue several major outreaches, community aid projects, and trips to surrounding Shan churches. Through the generosity of one church we purchased a church vehicle, used to bus in people to church on Sunday and also to take teams to make house visits and evangelize throughout the week! Our Christmas event in Thaton was also a joyous celebration, to see the gathering of so many together to celebrate Jesus’ birth. Our team has grown so much this past year as they step into new levels of leadership. We are thankful for their servant hearts and willingness to grow.

As the church in Chiang Mai faced a Covid lockdown, the finances sent by our supporters for the church plant helped us purchase equipment for a livestream service. It is a high quality, engaging format that attracts viewers online, and then in person! Many have expressed how blessed they are by the messages on our livestream. Now that we meet in person, we have a growing community in Chiang Mai, but also impact that reaches beyond our gatherings on Friday nights! Thank you also to the supporters who have given one-time gifts to develop areas such as the church cafe, the children’s area, and the musical equipment.

Back in Thaton, our children’s home was able to hire new house parents, who we couldn’t be more thrilled about! They are called to house parent ministry, and have been yearning for years to join us. When their former contract ended, we hired them in faith. Thank you to our supporters who answered the call to support the children’s home! Without you, we not only would be without these amazing house parents, but our kids would not have the level of care they have now. This year we had several improvements to the children’s facilities, including their dorm rooms, bathrooms, quality of food, and education programs in church and in our homeschool. We are so thankful for both our monthly and one-time supporters for making these things possible!

House parents: Wallapong (far left) and Lek (far right)

So it is with grateful hearts that we look towards 2022. We sense that it will be a year of greater impact for the global church. Nothing can stop the church, not even the gates of Hell can stand against it! So we stand in faith, with joy and thanksgiving in our hearts, looking forward to all that God will do through Trumpets of Christ and all of us in 2022. Thank you for your faithful giving in 2021. Let us be full of expectation for the wonders we will see this year!

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Bringing hope to every heart, vision to every life, and a smile to every face

Trumpets of Christ International is a non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. Donations to this ministry are %100 tax deductible.